Weekly Four: Apr. 17, 2020

Four a week, every week. Four things that fascinated me, inspired me, or challenged me this week.



Jeff, Who Lives At Home

Though the cast would tell you this is a comedy, this film takes a very deep dive into the serious questions of life, including grief, destiny, relationships, loss, and connection. I love watching movies that have hidden “Kingdom” messages in them, and this has them all over it. It all comes together at the end so keep watching. Available on Amazon Prime. (Warning: movie contains vulgar language.)


The Isolation Journals

If you want some creative inspiration while you have some extra time, subscribe to these daily emails called, “The Isolation Journals.” Each day, you will receive a short prompt for a writing topic. Here’s an example: “Choose a line from a book…and use it as the opening sentence for today’s journal entry, and let the words flow from there.” These prompts could be used for any kind of art, so I hope it inspires you to create more!



Crispy Frico Chicken Breasts with Mushrooms and Thyme

An absolutely delicious and simple meal. As I cooked the chicken, I started roasting a sheet pan of brussel sprouts and sweet potato. Then I threw the mushrooms, onions, and chicken on top of the other veggies! Such an easy pantry-friendly meal.


Brené Brown’s Unlocking Us Podcast: Comparative Suffering

Some more great Brené Brown wisdom coming at you. This one was packed with amazing tips for dealing with collective grief, how we steward our relationships well in this quarantine, and how we can transition from adrenaline-driven anxiety to calm, focused choices.

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