The Lent We Never Asked For (Lord, Heal Us of Our Individualism)

This year for Lent, I gave up dessert. Most people know I have a severe sweet tooth, and if I were allowed, I would eat ice cream every day. For me, eating sweet things had become somewhat of an addictive habit, and I would eat dessert after a stressful day the way that some would come home and drink a few beers or smoke a few cigarettes to relax. When I was stressed, I would crave sugar. I would “reward myself” for hard days with a DQ Blizzard or I would find a reason to “celebrate” something with a baked treat. It had become something I would look to for relief, release, and comfort. So I chose to give it up for Lent. I didn’t realize that I would be forced to give up so much more than that.

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I Am Not a Morning Person

It’s no secret to basically anyone who knows me that I am not a morning person. No matter how many different schemes or habits or alarm clocks I have tried, I have never successfully established a morning routine. I am 100% a night owl - that’s when I have the most energy and when I feel the most awake and engaged.

In the research I have done about it, I have found contradictory studies about being a “morning person” - some studies say that some of us are born as night owls; other studies say you can choose to become a morning person. Regardless, this recent article from The Atlantic, aptly titled, “The False Promise of the Morning Routine,” exposes the seculosity of our obsession with morning routines.

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Photo Blog: Flowers, Skulls, and Tacos (Mexico City)

Mexico City is vibrant and colorful in some corners, quiet and unassuming in others. I visited the city in the days leading up to Dia de los Muertos, a day for Mexicans to gather their families and celebrate the lives of their family and friends who have passed away. I love how they had incorporated an annual ritual of grief into their culture, making space for celebration and sadness to dwell side by side.

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